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2013年3月7日,国务院正式批复了全国首个航空港经济综合实验区发展规划, 4月3日国务院新闻办公室在北京举行郑州航空港经济综合实验区发展规划新闻发布会。 从此“郑州航空港”成为一个全社会关注的词汇。裕鸿·世界港作为首批进驻郑州航空港区的项目,描绘的不仅是大航空时代的居住版图,更为后来的践行者树立了未来发展的鲜明航标。

On March 7, 2013, the State Council officially approved the planning and development of the first national comprehensive experimental zone for airport-based economy; on April 3, the State Council Information Office held the press conference for the development and planning of Zhengzhou comprehensive experimental zone for airport-based economy in Beijing; since then, "Zhengzhou Airport" has become the term attracting the attention of the whole society. As one of the first batch of projects stationed in Zhengzhou Airport Zone, Yuhong World Port not only describes the housing pattern in the times of mega airport, but also establishes the distinctive beacon of the future development for later practitioners.

The Airport attracts the attention of the world

When the world is changing, who is the participant?










Zhengzhou Airport Zone turned to the "aerotropolis",

the airport-based economic rim landed safely with support of polices.

From Amsterdam, Netherlands to Frankfurt, Germany, and then to Denver, United States, Incheon, South Korea ...... the development of all these international airport cities illustrates the diversified extension ways of the world economy. Looking back on the domestic fertile central part, Zhengzhou Airport Zone has obtained the official approval from the State Council since March 7, 2013, becoming China's first pilot zone of airport-based economy that is upgraded as national strategy. With the attention of the world, a grand world-class outline is beginning to show. On April 3, the press conference for the development and planning of Zhengzhou comprehensive experimental zone for airport-based economy was held in Beijing. The new sail of the Airport blueprint further facilitates the dream of the Central Plains to take off.

Yuhong World Port, the thousand Chinese acre lot stationed in the Airport Zone in the first batch plans the housing pattern in the Central Plains space with the global vision, paving the road for a city to go to the world. With the implementation of national policies, the ecological projects in the zone have been completed in succession, and infrastructures are gradually perfect. Now, Yuhong World Port has been established on the Central Plains, standing in the pilot zone as the national strategy.

From a slogan to a real airport city,

Zhengzhou Airport Zone has embarked on the fast track of development.

"Is there an airport around your office?" In 1999, advertising can be seen everywhere in Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, heralding the era of airport city. The settlement of Microsoft further declared the slow landing of new airport city in the airport-based economic rim. With the support of national policies, Zhengzhou Airport Zone will become the new part of economic development of Zhengzhou City, lead the development of the Central Plains Economic Zone, and become the platform for Zhengzhou opening up to the world. Taking the pattern of synchronizing with the world, Yuhong World Port firstly started the upsurge of living in airport in the central regions, leading Zhengzhou Airport Zone to firstly enter the international lifestyle of diversified composite experience, such as urban low-density living, first-class business office, international brands consumption, and land and air seamless transfer. "Flying to Europe for negotiation in the morning, inviting and entertaining friends at home at noon, going to Hawaii for the weekend and talking about the work in Chicago" will become the true portrayal of the high-end people.

From the grand building exterior, to the superb chiseling process, to the carefully selected building materials; from the combination of themes of ecological and green real gardens, to the details of living comfort, Yuhong World Port presents the unprecedented airport life experience with the concept of aerotropolis in all aspects.

Zhengzhou Airport Zone has achieved the gorgeous turn from the bystander in a changing world, to the participant of the trend of the world.

Showing vitality, activating business opportunities, gathering popularity, and circulating the world are the strategic breakthrough of the establishment of the Central Plains Economic Zone. Leading the development of the Central Plains Economic Zone, Zhengzhou Airport Zone has superior air space, obvious advantage in geographical location, convenient land and air interface, good industrial base, complete opening-up conditions. It is the great opening-up land serving the country and connecting the world in the central regions. Grasping the pulse of development of Zhengzhou Airport Zone, Yuhong Property created the 180-400 m2 five-story house with elevator, step and courtyard, 10-story house with elevator, high-end commercial office, five-star hotel, Outlets, large supermarkets and department stores, cinemas and other globalized high-end living areas with all information forms, being different from other urban combinations, which makes Zhengzhou Airport Zone synchronize with the world in the lifestyle and office style, and makes it participate in the living and economic cooperation of the world in wider areas and higher level.

Now, Yuhong World Port has presented the great 800,000 m2 existing houses, the grand sample rooms of five-story house with elevator, step and courtyard, and the sample rooms of first-class business office with fine decoration.

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460617 2013-05-09 00:00:00 四 世界关注航空港KeywordPh世界在改变,谁是当事人?